Karavi Outdoor Climbing 2 (6h)


Put climbing skills into practice, grow as a climber, and collect evidence of those skills and that growth.

Allocated Time: 6h

We will be sport climbing once again at Karavi today. This session is a vital opportunity to grow and improve as a rock climber in technical skills, mental approach, and physical strength. 

Since we are returning to the same location from three weeks ago, this is a perfect opportunity to document your progress. Try filming from the same locations on the same routes. That side-by-side or superimposed footage will yield dramatic and obvious results!

Each student will document their personal climbing journey through video over the course of the term. As such, it is vital that students gather a range of evidence during each climbing outing, with plans for which kinds of shots to take. For instance, side by side comparisons of the same part of the same route weeks apart, with identical framing, can be powerful in showcasing improvement. Other options may include:

  • Establishing shots of the area and environment
  • Extreme closeups of gripping technique, flagging and balance skills, footwork
  • Full body shots of belay technique
  • Medium shots to indicate speed of climbing and familiarity with route reading
  • Establishing shots conveying community rapport

Examples may be found in our playlist on YouTube. As this is your final normal week of module before showcase, I wanted to provide a longer, more meditative exemplar for y’all to ponder by the inimitable Dai Koyamada:


Submit the videos from our day of climbing both to the evidence tab of this assignment and as a blog post in the module blog (post link: https://wordpress.com/post/tgssetinstone.wordpress.com). The naming convention for these posts should be the date of the experience, location, and your name appended afterwards. For instance:

2023.05.11 | Karavi | Kelsey Gray